Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art

409 E. College Blvd, Roswell, New Mexico 88201

open Daily • Monday thru Friday 9 aM - 4 pM • Saturday & Sunday 1 - 5 pm

Closed • New year’s Day, July Fourth, Thanksgiving and Christmas

(575) 623-5600 •


About AMoCA

The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art opened its doors in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1994 to showcase works of art produced by former fellows of the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program. Today, more than 500 diverse works of art enliven its 12 galleries and 22,000 square feet of exhibition space. Dedicated to the work produced by artists who have participated in the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program, AMoCA has become a source of knowledge and inspiration about contemporary visual art for the Roswell region, New Mexico and the Nation.

This unique collection of photographs, paintings, prints, drawings and sculpture provides a snapshot of the evolving issues in art over the last 45 years (since the 1967 inception of the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program). Works range from figurative to non-objective and showcase the diversity of the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program. Few other museums provide a similar focus on contemporary visual art with such an eclectic range of form and content.



Events at AMoCA

The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art not only provides a public face to the private creative world of the Roswell Artist-in-Residence program, it has been a favored community venue since its inception. Almost half of the yearly visitation is event-related, and some come specifically for the only treasure at AMoCA not made with a RAiR affiliation - the Bösendorfer concert grand piano, a gift from Don in 2014. In the last five years alone, AMoCA has welcomed 261 events, including partnering with 46 community groups, schools and clubs to host everything from meetings and receptions to hands-on art activities and world-class performances.

Events at AMoCA