RAiR | 1991-92
Adam Curtis
Adam was born and brought up on the East Coast and lived in a number of different places before settling in New York City as a young adult. He is an abstract sculptor who has studied at both the School of Visual Arts in New York and the New School for Social Research. He has shown his work in major cities in the US and in Zurich, Switzerland. As one critic puts it, “ …his sculptures are monumental and in some cases monolithic; they’re also lyrical.” He also has numerous works in collections through the United States. The Anderson Museum has two of his works on display: a small semi-abstract steel piece called Boat, very spare and elegant, and a tall (nearly 9 feet) column of steel with a hefty concrete base which dominates the area with its minimalist presence.
AMoCA Collection | Left: Boat, 1993, Steel, concrete base, 52” x 10” x 12” Right: Untitled, 1993, Steel, concrete base, 106.5” x 16.25” x 16.25”