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AMoCA Collection | Untitled, 2009, oil on canvas, 16”x20”

AMoCA Collection | Untitled, 2009, oil on canvas, 16”x20”

RAIR | 2009

Andrew Carnegie

 Andrew was born and brought up in London, England; he was educated at the Byam Shaw School of Art and attended the Royal Academy School of Art. He has shown his work very extensively in solo and group exhibitions around England. He has also received a number of awards, and several residencies outside of England.

Andrew has one painting on display at the Anderson Museum; it is a small New Mexico landscape, striking for the rich strokes of paint, This Scottish artist has feelingly captured the spirit of this new environment. One critic says, " [his vocation is] making private states of mind in some way public, finding a means by which apparently incommunicable emotions can after all be communicated."


Tinnie Mercantile & Deli

Rair exhibition •  Andrew Carnegie • 2009