Be ˈKyu̇r-ē-əs!
Erica Bailey (RAiR 2019), Above the Clouds (RAiR Studio 4), extruded polystyrene, wood, styrene plastic, joint compound, paint, acrylic rod, polymer clay, electrical tape, wire, aluminum flashing, LEDs, looping video, 14" x 24" x 30," 2020.
Kyu̇r-ē-əs AMoCA visitors who venture to look into the hole in the wall behind the big boat in the First Gallery, are rewarded with a big surprise of a very small room. It's Erica Bailey's Above the Clouds (RAiR Studio 4), 2020. This diorama is a hyper-detailed replica of the studio in house #4 on the RAiR compound where Erica worked during her one-year residency. Look closely to see clouds passing by out the miniature studio windows thanks to a looped video behind the artwork.
Don't miss Above the Clouds on your next visit to AMoCA.