RAiR Guest Artist Wins Cowboss Burger Challenge

Michael Candy, a RAiR guest artist for November - December took the Cowboss Burger challenge along with Jess Johnson (RAiR 2023-24) at the Cowboy Cafe in Roswell. The challenge: If you can eat the 3+ lbs of ground chuck on a dinner-plate sized bun with all the fixings and fries in under an hour, you get the burger free, and they put your photo on their wall of fame. People attempt it each week, but Michael is one of only 27 people to have successfully completed the challenge since 2015 — he finished in the 60th minute. During his two-month stay in Roswell, he accomplished what no artist that went before has done.

From Michael: “Honestly I didn't anticipate finishing. I mostly went for solidarity, but also wanted to defeat Jess. I took a casual approach and then once I'd made serious progress, Jess encouraged me the rest of the way. She made it an impressive way through the meal before quitting. At about 3/4 through I desperately wanted to quit but this was when Jess became my mentor, coaching me through the final steps. Once the burger was gone it was time to eat the awful cold fries…I scoffed them down in the final minutes.”

RAIR Staff