Be ˈKyu̇r-ē-əs! February

What's behind Hajime Mizutani's door?

During Hajime Mizutani's RAiR stay, he constructed a full-wall installation in his studio by cutting, gluing, and drawing on paper. The door, however, that led to the rest of his house was intentionally left unadorned. This not only created an architectural scale reference, but created a geometric break in the otherwise organic and undulating paper chaos. 

When Hajime toured the Anderson Museum looking for where to hang part of his paper installation, the last gallery examined had an inset door (opens inward and thus created a natural 'frame'). The placement of Hajime's piece on this door could not have been more perfect - it was the inverse of his studio installation and included a doorknob indicating that it was indeed a door. 

So that may be the story behind the door, but what's physically "behind" the door? Why it's the AMoCA director's office and RAiR book-catalog library! Don Anderson (and later, RAiR alum Lucho Pozo) created thin wood troughs which hold a copy each of the RMAC-RAiR artist brochures since 2001 (119 to date). The troughs start on the west side of the office and carries on over the north wall - and the door! Very fitting, wouldn't you say?  

RAIR Staff