AMoCA News September - November
Opening Reception for Wicked Wells & Window Wipeouts
A doubly rare RAiR exhibition opened at the Anderson Museum on December 6. This exhibition was notable because it was being held at the Anderson Museum instead of the Roswell Museum (due to the Roswell Museum’s closure from flooding — see separate announcement: “Roswell Flash Flood of October, 2024.”) In addition, instead of having two solo exhibitions, the artists chose to have a two-person show. Current RAiR artists Ryan Crowley (RAiR 2023-24) and Tristram Lansdowne (RAiR 2024-25) decided their work would make an interesting exhibition if installed together. We agree — the artwork from these two artists hangs together seamlessly.
The artists talk, (both artists spoke), the opening reception, and the dinner in the artists’ honor were all held at the Anderson Museum on December 6.
Tristram Lansdowne (RAiR 2024-25) speaks to museum guests in the Joseph Carl Anderson Gallery at the Anderson Museum on December 6. Artist Ryan Crowley (RAiR 2023-24) also spoke. In addition to the artists talk, an opening reception and dinner in the artists’ honor were both held at the Anderson Museum the same evening.
Wicked Wells and Window Wipeouts, a two-person exhibition by Ryan Crowley and Tristram Lansdowne, installed in the North Gallery at the Anderson Museum.
Jerry West: Prairie Stories Opening Reception
On October 11, the Anderson Museum welcomed over 150 people to the opening reception of the exhibition Jerry West: Prairie Stories.
Jerry West (RAiR 2012) was in attendance with several members of his family, and friends that made the trip from northern New Mexico.
For Jerry West: Prairie Stories twenty-one paintings and three prints are on exhibition in the North Gallery which was recently cleared in order to make room for this exhibition and others that will feature the work of RAiR alumni in the future. However, this exhibition will need to be taken down early to make room for the current artist-in-residence shows which have been traditionally mounted at the Roswell Museum. Due to the flooding and closure of the Roswell Museum, we will be exhibiting RAiR current artist shows for the foreseeable future at the Anderson Museum.
Jerry West, center, at the opening reception of his painting exhibition Jerry West: Prairie Stories at the Anderson Museum, October 11.
The opening reception of Jerry West: Prairie Stories was attended by over 150 people.
Roswell Jazz Festival Performance at Anderson Museum
The Roswell Jazz Festival came to town with 15 programs at eight different venues over 5 days. The “Finale” was held at the Anderson Museum on Sunday October 27 as the last program of the festival. Performers were Jason Wanner, Yve Evans, Vinny Raniolo, Brian Piper, Johnny Varro, Chuck Redd and Ted Rosenthal. Many of the performers were playing the museum’s Bosendorfer grand piano. Ted Rosenthal ended the performance with his own terrific version of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.
At the Roswell Jazz Festival Finale at AMoCA, Johnny Varro, at piano, played a duet with Chuck Redd on the vibraphone.
Ted Rosenthal played a terrific rendition of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue.
Violette Bule Artist Talk
Violette Bule, a Venezuelan-Lebanese artist, gave an artist talk titled “Concept and Process: Making Art in Response” at the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art on Tuesday, November 19. Bule’s artwork explores the liminal spaces between art-making and everyday labor. During the talk, she presented work from several projects, including her reflections on the service industry and gig economy, the issue of Femicide, the neglected potholes in Caracas, Venezuela, and her experience teaching photography to inmates in Venezuelan Penitentiaries. Bule uses social and economic vulnerability as tools for creativity and political empowerment, addressing themes such as identity, memory, violence, and digital technology.
More about the artist