AMoCA New Acquisition — ann haeyoung (RAiR 2023-24)
8 hours and 50 minutes of work, resulting in a 9cm cube, 2024, dust, glue, resin, concrete, 3.5” x 3.5” x 3.5.”
Artist Statement:
“8 hours and 50 minutes of work, resulting in a 9cm cube is made from the accumulated dust of a device for crushing ore, a kinetic sculpture that was a part of my show at the Roswell Museum, terra nullius.
The form of a device for crushing ore is based on an early mining device used for crushing rocks to extract minerals, while the bone-like arm alludes to the human labor and hardship that underlies the mining industry.
In mining, the "useless" dust is separated from the "valuable" dust (such as gold or silver). In this case, the device's work is inherently "useless”–it is crushing rocks for the sake of crushing rocks. The act of crushing is the product, and the dust produced is a record of its labor.
Dust marks time in its accumulation. Dust also holds information about the material and processes that created it. The collected dust is not only particulate matter. It is a record of the device's approximately 8 hours and 50 minutes of work.”
— ann haeyoung
a device for crushing ore