Spring Newsletter 2020
2020 RAiR Group Photo: (Back L-R) Laura Neal, SV Randall (RAiR 2019-20), Augustin “Lucho” Pozo (RAiR 2020-21), Michael Waugh (RAiR 2019-20), Manny Rodriguez (RAiR 2020-21), Jordan Ann Craig (RAiR 2019-20), Tonee Harbert (RAiR 2019-20), Shoshannah White, Justin Richel (RAiR 2020), Shannon Rankin (RAiR 2016-17), (Front) Tammy Zibners, and Residency Director Larry Bob Phillips (RAiR 2009-10) holding Henry.
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program
RAiR Exhitbition | SV Randall "as pair legged" at the RMAC. On view through March 8. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.
RAiR News
With the coming of March, spring’s energy is beginning to break upon the compound. RAiR’s artists are working long days in preparation for upcoming projects.
Manny Rodriguez, originally from Puerto Rico arrived on February 1 and has been utilizing every minute already finishing several new pieces.
Augustin “Lucho” Pozo originally from Chile arrived a few days later and has spent months calculating how to use his year to the fullest.
Justin Richel started his residency on January 1st. He was selected as one of 12 Artists to Know Now in New Mexico and will be featured in an exhibition at SW Contemporary Gallery in Santa Fe, NM opening March 6th.
Michael Waugh is preparing for a one-person exhibit: One Flew Over The Mueller Report at Von Lintel Gallery, LA opening on May 2nd.
Jordan Ann Craig is working to get ready for her show at RMAC on May 8th and keeping up with her newly launched lingerie line Shy Natives. She will also be showing paintings in a group show in May: Young Americans at the Brighton Festival in the UK.
On January 24th SV Randall opened his exhibition as pair legged at the RMAC, a beautiful group of playfully opaque, cagey and superbly crafted sculptures. A somewhat surreal pastiche on the cult of comfortable travel where all origins and destinations are prescripted and equally banal. SV gave a deeply informative lecture on his practice that rather than confronts issues head-on, surreptitiously mines the innocuous surfaces of objects and issues. SV’s approach quietly sidesteps the polemic ‘gotcha!’ moment we’ve all come to expect for something open-ended, soft and mysterious.
Tonee Harbert mounts his show Through the Static and Distance at RMAC on March 27th, a sweeping group of sumptuously printed black and white photos. These works provide a deep look at Roswell’s uncared-for past. This exhibit promises to be a breathtaking show full of rich texture from the relentless onslaught of time and the elements and our own unfulfilled promises.
Larry Bob Phillips, RAiR Program Director (RAiR 2009-10)
RAiR Exhibitions
Roswell Museum and Art Center, 1011 N. Richardson Avenue, Roswell, NM
Tonee Harbert
Through the Static and Distance
Roswell Artist-in-Residence Exhibition
March 21 - May 3, 2020
Opening Reception: Friday, March 27
Lecture 5:30 PM • Reception 6-7 PM
Roswell Museum and Art Center
Dinner following reception at the Anderson Museum
To learn more about the artist, please visit www.toneeharbert.com
Jordan Ann Craig will open her exhibition in May, 2020
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art
Lights on! Years of searching for a source of red LED bulbs to fit Luis Jimenez’s (RAiR 1972-73) large sculptures has finally successfully culminated, and AMoCA’s “Progress I” and “Progress II” are now fully illuminated!
AMoCA News
News flash! AMoCA’s first event of the year sees students from a local private school connecting visually and verbally with the museum’s collection…the diversity of our artworks is an educational smorgasboard! Flash! More than 70 people of all ages did a bang-up job of creating blinged-up cards for their loved ones as part of the Triple The Love event tri-sponsored with Bone Springs Art Space and the Miniatures & Curious Collections Museum...inspiration and collaboration abound here! Flash! A zoo man entertained us on Leap Year Day….we think outside the box here for sure!
Flash! New artworks at the museum include a painting and a drawing from 2019-20 RAiR artist Cedra Wood as well as a welded iron sculpture from a 1971-72 RAiR alumni Theodore “Ted” Golubic!
Last flash! A weGolubic!
Last flash! A we start a new decade we reflect on our purpose - AMoCA celebrates our RAiR artists, showcases their artwork, and archives their achievements. We invite participation through membership, engage with our community, entertain visitors, and offer a wide range of music, art and educational programming. ...and speaking of programming...
Nancy Fleming, AMoCA Director
AMoCA Events
For more information please visit the AMoCA Events page.
Thursday, March 5, 4-6 PM • Free Event
Roswell Secondary Schools Art Exhibition. On view from March 5-22
Saturday, April 4, 6:30 PM • Free Event
Museum Day Concert with pianist Kirill Gliadkovsky
Saturday, April 25 • Free Event
Iris show
Sunday, May 10, 2 PM • Free Event
Mother’s Day Concert with pianist Donna Coleman
Museum Hours • OPEN DAILY
Monday-Friday 9-4
Saturday-Sunday 1-5
Historic Studios at Berrendo Road
Lithograph by Historic Studios resident Michael Aakhus (RAiR 1976-77). Available now in the RAiR shop!
Historic Studios News
Artists living at the Historic Studios at Berrendo Road continue to be productive in their careers, enjoying life in our artists community and the ability to work in large north light studios. Maja Ruznic participated in several gallery exhibitions in New York City this past month and will open her first one-person exhibition in Dallas, TX at Conduit Gallery February 29th. "Artist Retreat” resident artist, Tali Weinberg is working at the Historic Studios through July 2020. She is giving a public lecture at 21C Museum in Oklahoma City, OK on March 24th. Tali's solo exhibition "Under The Weather," opens at Praxis Gallery in Cleveland, OH April 3rd with an artist talk on April 4th.
If you would like to live in our community for 6 months to one-year check out our Artist Retreat rental at the Historic Studios. This program has been so successful we are opening a second house to artists from around the country who would like to experience New Mexico while living and working at the Historic Artists Compound. There is a rental fee of $1,600 per month which includes your own house, 500 sq. foot studio, all utilities, all furniture, dishes, linens and wifi. Just bring your art supplies and make your dreams a reality in the Southwest. This is especially applicable for art faculty with an upcoming 6-month sabbatical position who desire a serious art community, and a southwestern desert experience. For information and application, go to: www.rair.org/historic-studios-retreat
Diane Marsh, Historic Studios Director (RAiR 1980-81, 2002)
RAiR Alumni
If you are a RAiR Alum, please keep us updated with your accomplishments and current contact information. Share your upcoming exhibitions, events, and achievements, as well as other forms of artistic excellence. Submitted requests will be considered for the website, digital mailings, social media, or print pieces.
Want to connect with current and former residents of the RAiR Program? Join the RAiR Alumni Facebook Group
The RAiR community is saddened to learn of James McGarrell's recent passing. We send condolences to his son, friends, and fans.
Photo: Painter and 1998-99 RAiR Alumnus James McGarrell (left) with William Goodman (RAiR 1969-70), in front of his painting "Hot and Blue" during his 2004 RAiR exhibition at the Roswell Museum and Art Center.
Henge Raffle Update - Thanks to everyone who participated in the Henge Raffle! The drawing held January 1, 2020, awarded the Dinner Party for Eight in the Henge to Trey Nesselrodt, and the Dinner Party for Eight at AMoCA to Yasine and Kyle Armstrong. Spoiler Alert! There will be another raffle held this year – with the drawing in December (for dinner parties in 2021). Again, only 100 tickets will be available at $100 per ticket. Available online now!
Surprise Birthday Book - It’s that time of year again when we honor RAiR founder Donald B. Anderson with a birthday book! We are inviting all interested participants to e-mail a picture of yourself (or in a group) holding up your first finger (standing for “You’re #1, or 101 as the case may be!). If you’d rather do an artwork or send a note or poem, do it! We’ll turn everything we get into a one-of-a-kind photo book (with hopefully 101 pages!). 1-meg or larger jpegs preferred. Email submissions to nancy@roswellamoca.org.
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program (RAiR), the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art (AMoCA), and the Historic Studios at Berrendo Road.