Summer Newsletter 2020
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation
The RAiR Foundation
Our foundation is deeply saddened by the passing of our Founder and President, Donald B. Anderson. Don passed peacefully in the comfort of his home, surrounded by loved ones, on June 7, 2020. It was an honor for everyone who had the opportunity to work with such a great man, who accomplished so much in his 101 years on this earth. Through his generosity, he transformed the lives of so many. His vision not only changed the lives of artists from all over the world, it created a gem in the community of Roswell, New Mexico. The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art will continue to pay homage to Don’s dream, as well as the work of all the artists who have had the privilege to utilize his “gift of time”. I know so many of us look forward to carrying on the legacy he started with the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation. More than that I hope we all carry a little bit of Don with us, looking for ways to continue the display of generosity and kindness that he has shown to so many. A memorial service will be held at a later date; we will keep you informed as arrangements are being made.
Katelyn Krakauskas, Interim Executive Director
It has been said that there is a Hindu proverb that states, “The world has always been here; the world will always be here. Everyday babies are born and old people die. For each death there is a new soul to take its place.”
“Some baby that was born on June 7, 2020, will have awfully big shoes to fill. Thank you, Don!”
Brinkman Randle, Board Member
"The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation stands in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter. We are listening and learning. RAiR will continue to expand its inclusion to foster an arts community that represents all of us.”
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program
Jordan Ann Craig working on her litho stone.
Printed by Tamarind graduate Justine Ditto.
RAiR News
It is our great hope that his letter finds each member of our community healthy and safe during uncertainty. The pandemic has highlighted many elements in our life that were taken for granted. Upon learning of the shuttering of most residencies in the US, did we realize how incredibly lucky we are in Roswell. With separate houses and private kitchens, we only needed to make a few protocols for the use of the common facilities to allow artists to continue their work unimpeded.
In fact, two artists, Jordan Ann Craig and Michael Waugh invited family members to stay in the relative safety of the compound at Howard Cook Road. While uncertainty and vigilance are constant, we are grateful for our calmer place in the storm.
Residents' exhibits at RMAC have been curtailed. Tonee Harbert's exhibit, “Through the Static and Distance” can be viewed virtually.
Our second annual print collaboration with Tamarind has proceeded despite the pandemic! Tamarind has been on lockdown for months meaning that printers have had to resort to speculative lithography online. RAiR lacked the money in the crisis to fund the project, but with the generous support of private individuals, we devised a program where three printers could come for two weeks each and make some repairs to the shop, produce their own work, and collaborate with RAiR artists.
As the world at large has turned to social media as an alternative to in-person meetings, RAiR had received another gift in the form of a recent television feature by KENW PBS Portales, NM made by James Wygal. It’s a beautifully produced quick-dive into the residents’ studios and thoughts. The segment Cultura Visits RAiR and AMoCA, aired May, 2020.
Larry Bob Phillips, RAiR Program Director (RAiR 2009-10)
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art
AMoCA News
AMoCA closed March 19th (until further notice) in compliance with State of New Mexico mandates, and since then we’ve definitely missed our visitors and community friends, holding events, rentals, and hosting educational groups! But even museums have back-burner projects and cluttered closets, so we’ve been using the time to organize, plan, and create!
“Detail-a-day” launched March 19th on the Anderson Museum Instagram page to help mark the time we’ve been closed for the pandemic. The first postings related to the covid-caused closing, but subsequent ones have celebrated birthdays, secondary art, and holidays. The photos are taken ‘fresh’ daily, with cup of coffee in hand - little pleasures in an otherwise strange time.
The Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art joins the Kemper Museum in Kansas City, the Portland (Maine) Museum of Art, and the Clyfford Still Museum in Denver on the 2020 list of “Best” museums or galleries by the American Art Awards. Now in its 12th year, the American Art Awards selects 25 winners to be profiled on their website with a video hosted by actor Thomas Bierdz and a news article on Highlight Hollywood.
The pandemic necessitated the cancellation of Music at AMoCA, but if you follow these links you can have your own private performance! Our hope is to reschedule them all for future concerts! Kirill Gliadkovsky (April): L.M. Gottschalk Souvenirs d'Andalousie The AMoCA Facebook page offers a full list of Kirill’s on-line videos. Donna Coleman (Mother’s Day): Australian Broadcasting Company’s live broadcast features Donna performing Joplin, Morton, Bolcom, Chopin, Cervantes, Bach and Ives. Belgium’s Duo Jolente De Maeyer (violin) and Nikolaas Kende (piano) were scheduled to perform in June.
The Pecos Valley Iris Society was scheduled to hold an Iris Show at AMoCA at the end of April. Reports in suggest it was a good year for irises in Roswell. Hopefully AMoCA will be able to host the Society’s weekend flower arrangement exhibit next year!
Nancy Fleming, AMoCA Director
"Zodiac" by Rachel Grobstein, "Portrait of Don" by Eddie Dominguez & “Buttscrunch” by Topia & Gould.
"Hurricane/Galaxy” by Herb Goldman, "Gray Door” by Willard Midgette & “Sex Club” by Michael Ferris Jr.
Historic Studios at Berrendo Road
Sculpture by Tali Weinberg, 2020
Historic Studios News
The Historic Studios is a supportive and safe community of artists, all of whom have been challenged by losses of income, exhibitions, lectures, & performances due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Artist Retreat resident, Tali Weinberg, with many scheduled exhibitions & lectures cancelled, has continued to work in her studio. She recently completed a new piece titled “Collapsing Under Our Own Weight”, a twined basket made from petroleum-derived medical tubing and paper 15” x 5” x 4”.
Della Kate Graham, oboist for the Roswell Symphony Orchestra, has shared that a concert of Beethoven's 9th Symphony scheduled for April 18th was cancelled. She is working on a virtual Beethoven concert instead, to be posted on social media with other members of the Orchestra.
Painter Stuart Diamond from Rhode Island was selected as our next Artist Retreat resident, and we look forward to his arrival this fall.
Joshua Hagler shared some good news. His paintings are now represented by Cris Worley Fine Arts Gallery in Dallas. He is also part of an online group show at Unit London to raise money for Medicins Sans Frontieres Corona Virus Crisis Appeal for World Vision.
Shannon Rankin’s exhibition, “Topographies: Works about Layers, Mapping, & Paths” at Manifest Gallery in Cincinnati, Ohio, closed early to the public due to the COVID-19 state-wide stay at home orders.
Maja Ruznic's solo show at Hales Gallery London scheduled for May has been postponed due to the pandemic. She currently continues to work in her studio on a group of paintings for an upcoming museum exhibition in 2021. We are also awaiting the birth of Josh (Hagler) and Maja's first child here at the Historic Studios. What an incredible & joyous gift in the middle of this challenging time.
Diane Marsh, Historic Studios Director (RAiR 1980-81, 2002)
Stuart Diamond
Maja Ruznic
RAiR Alumni
If you are a RAiR Alum, please keep us updated with your accomplishments and current contact information. Share your upcoming exhibitions, events, and achievements, as well as other forms of artistic excellence. Submitted requests will be considered for the website, digital mailings, social media, or print pieces.
Want to connect with current and former residents of the RAiR Program? Join the RAiR Alumni Facebook Group
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program (RAiR), the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art (AMoCA), and the Historic Studios at Berrendo Road.