Winter Newsletter 2020
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation
2020 Holiday Greetings from the RAiR Foundation
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program
RAiR Group Photo - October 2020 (Top L-Bottom R): Masha Sha (RAiR 2020-21), Agustin "Lucho" Pozo (RAiR 2020-21 & 2009-10), Justin Richel (RAiR 2020), WANG Chen (RAiR 2020-21), Manny Rodriguez (RAiR 2020-21), Michael Waugh (RAiR 2019-20), Jordan Ann Craig (RAiR 2019-2020) with Daisy, and Debra Smith (RAiR 2020 & 2009-10). Photo by Tonee Harbert (RAiR 2019-20)
RAiR News
In spite of the new spike in the pandemic, we are all well and productive here at the Residency. The mood on the compound remains positive and grateful for our privileged place in the chaos. The entire compound remains vigilant in taking all precautions to keep the compound COVID free. The residents, some of whom have been personally affected by travel bans in recent years, remain hopeful that 2021 will bring healing to Roswell and the U.S.
RAiR Exhibitions at the Roswell Museum and Art Center
The RMAC opened two shows by RAiR artists on October 9th. Due to the unknowns surrounding the pandemic in the new year, the shows may be extended past their December 21 closure date.
Manny Rodriguez, SpaceJammer
Manny cross-translates the ideologies of technological progress and catholic veneration to make poetry out of late capitalism’s component culture. These sophisticated DIY constructions compress personal notions of place while examining cultural narratives about personal and national fulfillment in flight.
Lucho Pozo, Planet River of the Tenement
Lucho’s gutsy collection of mostly abstract paintings, and sculptures is the latest powerhouse achievement in a six-decade career. Lucho painted the walls green and pink, and added sculptural flourishes to the paintings completely altering the space—sumptuous but still punk.
New Arrivals on the Compound
Alia Ali who is Bosnian/Yemeni arrived on October 7th. Alia has gained wide acclaim for her fabric wrapped self-portraits and is working on a science-fiction interpretation of Yemeni folklore.
Mikayla Patton originally from Pine Ridge South Dakota arrived on November 1. Mikayla uses papermaking and printmaking techniques to construct forms that explore traditional Lakota symbols.
Masha Sha originally from Russia arrived on October 1. Her giant text drawings are a powerful comment on how language claims physical and mental space.
In Other News
We just learned that the residency program has been recommended for a grant of $20,000 from the National Endowment for the Arts.
With help from grants from New Mexico Arts and the NM Humanities Council, we have hired Tonee Harbert (RAiR 2019-20) to produce individual videos for the residents. These videos (linked below) are invaluable documents that serve our residents and RAiR on the internet. Watch for more videos in the coming months.
Jordan Ann Craig, Your Favorite Color is Yellow, July 10-Sept 29.
Michael Waugh, A Fable for Tomorrow, July 10-Sept 29.
In May, we also switched the artists’ exhibition lectures to Zoom, making them available on the web. Videos of the artists’ exhibitions and lectures, and our “Spotlight” lecture series can all be found on our website.
From my family and all at the Residency, we heartily wish you joy and health during the holidays and in the new year!
Larry Bob Phillips, Residency Director (RAiR 2009-10)
Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art
AMoCA News
RAiR Shop
Give the gift of art! Our online RAiR Shop is open and has been recently stocked with new items including prints by RAiR Founder Donald B. Anderson, original artwork by current and former RAiR’s, miscellaneous museum merchandise and stunning art books featuring former Roswell Artists-in-Residence.
Smith, Harbert, Craig, Waugh, Ideal, Lujan and Bleem
Debra M. Smith (RAiR 2009-10 & 2020), "When I Looked Her Face Was Turning Red, Revisited, Series #22", 2020, pieced vintage silk, 17.5” x 12.5”.
Tonee Harbert (RAiR 2019-2020), "Untitled (car hood)", 36” x 36”, archival pigment print on kozo paper, framed and "Untitled (forest fire)", 22” x 22”, archival pigment print on kozo paper, framed.
Jordan Craig (RAiR 2019-2020), “Are We Going To Kiss”, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 45” x 45”.
Michael Waugh (RAiR 2019-2020), “Austin (v Michigan Chamber of Commerce)”, 2016, Ink on Mylar, 25”x36”.
Phillis Ideal (RAiR 1992-93), gift of the artist: “Series I, Black & White #9”, I-phone print, archival ink jet, 2014, 32”x22” framed and “Series I, Black & White #5”, I-phone print, archival ink jet, 2014, 32”x22” framed.
Pedro Lujan (RAiR 1981-82), gift of Diane Marsh, “Walking Rain”, circa 1982, wood, metallic paint, 28”x34”x8”.
Jerry Bleem (RAiR 1997-98), anonymous gift in memory of Donald B. Anderson, “Decorative Nationalism”, series 2006-present, crocheted USA flag, 5”x5”x5”.
The surprise is now out of the bag! In lieu of a members-only event, 2020 RAiR Foundation/AMoCA members will be receiving a booklet on Founder Donald B. Anderson’s life and art. This picture-rich booklet shares Don’s process, words, and eight decades of paintings! Current members will receive the booklet in the mail as soon as they are back from the printers. While supplies last, NEW members will be able to purchase the booklet for $10 with at least a $20 level FAN membership – so follow the link and donate at least $30 to receive your booklet! Current members will also – while supplies last – be able to purchase extra booklets for $10.
AMoCA wishes everyone a safe and creative Holiday Season!
Nancy Fleming, AMoCA Director
Historic Studios at Berrendo Road
Left: Beth Shipley "Transitional Sequence", 16" x 16", oil on linen.
Right: Stuart Diamond, Roswell Studio, “Cornered” series 2020, works in progress.
Historic Studios News
As this challenging year draws to a close at The Historic Berrendo Studios, we are especially grateful to have this supportive art community to share our experiences with, as we navigate the ending of 2020 and enter into the New Year.
Over the last months, we have developed two of our existing rental properties as furnished “Artist Retreat” houses, offering a fee-based retreat designed to provide an opportunity for tenured art faculty on sabbatical, professional artists or curators to experience the Southwest for a six-month or one-year period.
Stuart Diamond arrived at the Historic Studios in the fall of 2020 on a one-year sabbatical from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design; he plans to retire after a 40-year teaching career.
Beth Shipley from Brooklyn, NY, will be the next "Retreat" artist, joining our community in January 2021 while on sabbatical from her teaching position at Marymount Manhattan College.
Artist Retreats are still available for 2022.
Diane Marsh, Historic Studios Director (RAiR 1980-81, 2002)
The Historic Berrendo Studios Artist Retreat is accepting applications for 2022. We offer a fee-based artist retreat designed to provide an opportunity for tenured art faculty on sabbatical, professional artists, or curators to experience the Southwest for a 6-month or 1 year period of time.
Diane Marsh, Historic Studios Director (RAiR 1980-81, 2002)
RAiR Alumni
Martie Zelt (RAiR 1982-83) celebrated her 90th birthday at her home in Roswell on November 16th. In the “drive by” birthday, friends delivered yellow pansies for her planters. Martie continues to make wonderful handmade paper and printed collaged artworks, and we wish her many more creative years. Photo by Jose Rivera
RAiR Alumni
If you are a RAiR Alum, please keep us updated with your accomplishments and current contact information. Share your upcoming exhibitions, events, and achievements, as well as other forms of artistic excellence. Submitted requests will be considered for the website, digital mailings, social media, or print pieces.
Want to connect with current and former residents of the RAiR Program? Join the RAiR Alumni Facebook Group
Support by the National Endowment for the Arts, New Mexico Arts & NM Humanities Council
The Roswell Artist-in-Residence Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Roswell Artist-in-Residence Program (RAiR), the Anderson Museum of Contemporary Art (AMoCA), and the Historic Studios at Berrendo Road.