AMoCA Collection | Bar Fly (Homage to Manet's Bar at the Folies-Bergere), Ceramic, cement, wood, foam, copper, 112” x 208.” x 90”, 2007
RAIR | 2006 - 07
David Bogus | lexington, KY
David Bogus was born in Fall River, Massachusetts. He holds an MFA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a BFA from the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. He has taught at the University of Idaho, the University of Wyoming, Texas A&M International University, and is currently assistant professor of art in ceramics at Eastern Kentucky University. Bogus was selected as a 2015 NCECA Emerging Artist. He has shown his work both internationally and nationally at various venues, including Icheon World Ceramic Center in South Korea; Alijira Center for Contemporary Art in Newark, New Jersey; The Carbondale Clay Center in Carbondale, Colorado; and many others.
Reminiscent of the West Coast funk sculpture of the 1970s, particularly the work of the late Robert Arneson, the sculptures of David Bogus are full of exaggerations of scale, bizarre images, unlikely depictions and varied materials. These three-dimensional collages are imbued with a slightly macabre playfulness that depends on a kind of loosey-goosey excessiveness and over-the-top expressionist energy for their success. Bogus also uses the 19th Century motif of ornamental mirrors, creating vaguely surreal juxtapositions between the real world and the intoxicated, Rococo frames that are at once as dandified and coarse as Captain Hook and as playfully sly as Peter Pan.
Stephen Fleming, RAiR Program Director