AMoCA Collection | Untitled, 1997, ceramic bowl, photograph, gold leaf, 12.75” x 12.75” x 2”

RAiR | 1996-97

Deborah Brackenbury

 Deborah received her BFA in photography from Wayne State University and her MFA from the University of Florida at Gainesville. She has taught at the University of Florida, Haverford College, Ball State University, the University of Oklahoma, and most recently at Penland School of the Arts. She has also shown her work widely all over the United States, and has received a large number of awards and grants. She describes her “interests in both ‘found’ and ‘manipulated’ objects [which] come together in my most recent series.”

The Anderson Museum has one work by Deborah, a small ceramic bowl/platter, richly decorated around the edge with what looks like gold leaf, spattered with different colors of paint. In the center is a strange evocative photograph of a monkey-like creature which manages to look fierce and ethereal at the same time.