AMoCA Collection | Episode Two, 1998, mixed media on masonite, 48” x 42”

RAiR | 1997-98

Jane South

 Jane was born in Manchester, England, and received her BA in Theater and Set Design from the Central School of Art in London. In 1989, she moved to New York City, where she did theater work and various art-related odd jobs for a few years. Later, she enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where she received her MFA in painting and sculpture. She has had multiple stints as a visiting lecturer, visiting artist and artist-in-residence at institutions all over the US and in Australia. She started showing her work around the US and in Europe in the late nineties and has had numerous shows since then.

          Jane’s work is unique, drawing from many different sources for inspiration. The Anderson Museum has on display three major pieces of hers; they share a hidden sense of humor about what they are depicting, making them very powerful.

Jane South’s website.