RAiR | 1991-92
John Jacobsmeyer
A native of Ann Harbor, Michigan, John Jacobsmeyer (1964- ) gained his BFA in Painting from the University of New Hampshire, Durham in 1986 and a MFA in Painting and Printmaking from Yale University School of Art, New Haven, Connecticut in 1989. As of 2018, he was the Director of Printmaking at the New York Academy of Art after having taught and lectured at over forty colleges and universities around the world. Awards include two fellowships from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, the Basil Alkazzi Award, a Fulbright Fellowship to Italy, a Pollack-Krasner Grant and a New York Foundation for the Arts Artist Fellowship. His work is housed in the permanent collections of, amongst others, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, and the Springfield Museum of Art, Ohio. Between 1990 and 2018, John exhibited in over seventeen solo exhibitions and about a hundred group shows, the latest in China. While operating the JJHS Press, he published his wordless book “More Than Human” in 2010 and the portfolio “Safety First” was published for the Shanghai Metro in 2013.
AMoCA Collection | Untitled 1992, Oil on copper, 36” x 36.25” x 24”