RAiR | 1970-71
Kenneth Kilstrom †
Howard Kenneth Russel Kilstrom (1922-1995) was born in Chicago, Illinois, and studied painting at the Art Institute of Chicago. An Abstract Expressionist painter and printmaker, he apprenticed under Isamu Noguchi and Stanley Hayter at Atelier 17 in New York in the late 1940s. This is where he combined photographic imagery with intaglio printmaking, the first known artist to do so. The National Archives and the Fogg Museum at Harvard University have his print work. He was introduced to the RAiR program through his friends the artists Milton Resnick and Pat Passlof and exhibited his paintings at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City in 1975 after returning from his residency in Roswell.
AMoCA Collection: Girl, 1971, Oil on Canvas, 12 x 8 in.