RAiR | 1995-96
Matthew Barinholtz
Born in Skokie, Illinois, Matt Barinholtz (1973- ) gained his BFA in Sculpture from Washington University, St Louis, Missouri in 1994. He won the university’s artist in residence grant for Cite International Des Arts, Paris in 1994. A collaborator and arts instructor, Matt chose to work with the Roswell youth community to produce his exhibition for the Roswell Museum and Art Center in 1996. He continued to produce individual studio works and to work with the Roswell community on art projects until 2001. Matt moved to Washington DC to direct an employment training program in woodworking for Covenant House Washington, up until 2007. Then he instructed juvenile delinquents in art and technology for the See Forever Foundation Maya Angelou Academy in Laurel, Maryland. In 2011 he founded FutureMakers, a mobile ‘makerspace’ program for youths in Baltimore and Washington DC.
Matthew Barinholtz’s website
AMoCA Collection | Untitled, 1995, Pit fired pinch pots, clay, 11” x 67.5”, 25.5”