New Mexico Magazine: A New Constellation

RAiR artists Terri Rolland, Marie Alarcón and Eric Garcia (all RAiR 2021-22) are featured in “A New Constellation”, a New Mexico Magazine article about Desierto Mountain Time, a collective of southwest US and northern Mexico arts organizations.

From the article:

“Desierto Mountain Time arose out of a desire for connection. During the pandemic’s early months, Suzanne Sbarge, executive director of 516 Arts, in Albuquerque, began organizing video conference calls among curators and gallery staff throughout the region. These monthly meetings became a place to talk about how everyone was coping, and what they could work on while galleries and museums remained closed or ran at limited capacity.”

Desierto Mountain Time is making an impact in the Southwest and in Northern Mexico. We’re pleased to be a part of it.

Photo: Eric Garcia’s Space Invaders, Roswell installation, left and Terri Rolland’s #4 Northern Night, from her recent solo show Resonance at the Roswell Museum.

RAIR Staff