Recent AMoCA acquisitions

Recent Donations from our Neighbors to the North.

Two unrelated former RAiR artists from Canada have gifted artworks made during their residencies back to where they were created!

Charles Breth (RAiR 1996-97) from Salt Springs, British Columbia, sent a suite of original drawings including the pictured NM1, colored pencil on paper, 22.5" x 30"

Claire Beaulieu (RAiR 2001) from Montreal sent Les mouchoirs II, a 7.5" x 15.5" mixed media piece.

Look forward to more donation and acquisition images in the next RAiR News.

Charles Breth, NM1, colored pencil on paper, 22.5" x 30"


Claire Beaullieu, Les mouchoirs II, mixed media, 7.5" x 15.5"

RAIR Staff