Wood & Stone, Substance & Spirit: Rebecca Davis & Roger Asay

Wood & Stone, Substance & Spirit: Rebecca Davis & Roger Asay
The Sculptural Collaboration of Rebecca Davis (RAiR 1976) & Roger Asay.
243 full color pages with introduction by William L. Fox, Director of the Center for Art + Environment at the Nevada Museum of Art. 11” x 8.5”, soft bound.
“We have collaborated since moving to Arizona in 1982 on the body of work we call WOOD & STONE, SUBSTANCE & SPIRIT. These minimal installation pieces comprise an on-going visual investigation of the lands we call home. We gather the materials of nature, not to make them into something other than what they are, but rather to present them raw— to refine and sort, order and arrange them and give them back in a strange and clarified form that lets the viewer experience them directly as if for the first time.”
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